Screens | 7/30/2010 at 3:38 PM

Kane and Lynch 2 Explodes a Mix of New Trailers and Screenshots

Sure he may not be in peak physical, or mental, condition, but Lynch is one of the more interesting character to come around the world of videogames in sometime.  The feedback from the community echoed that statement, IO Interactive listened, and decided to focus on him for Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days.

Today we've added the second developer diary from IO focusing on their upcoming PC, 360 and PS3 action game.  The diary not only focuses on Lynch, but talks about the game's explosive mix of psychotic action and characters.  

We also have a new video for the game called "You Think You Can Kill Me?"  The best way to describe it?  Intense.  Ok, so that might have been the easy way out of that one, but at least IO is remaining true to their word of palm sweating intensity.  The trailer is a bit like the Hollywood summer blockbuster trailers we've all come to know and love.  Cue the trailer guy voice... 

"In a world where food stained sleeveless undershirts are formal wear..."

Stick around after the videos for some new screenshots.  We're only three weeks away from the game's release so the hype-o-meter is rising.