News | 9/17/2010 at 8:35 AM

Red Faction: Armageddon Delayed, Saint's Row 3 and Space Marine Dated

THQ's latest investor report has pushed Red Faction: Armageddon back from this fall to May of 2011.  The delay shouldn't come as much of a surprise to anyone following the title as news has been almost non existent.  The game is scheduled to ship with a unique co-op mode outside of the main story, but details on it are still sketchy at best.

Other THQ titles on the schedule for next year include Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, which is listed as a "summer" release.  Once again, it's a title we don't know much about in terms of co-op but we've been following it with great anticipation.  Finally next fall will see Saint's Row 3.   All in all it sounds like a solid 2011 for THQ and their co-op lineup.