News | 9/30/2010 at 12:42 PM

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Gets Campaign Co-Op

Living up to its namesake, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier has gone spectral over the last few months; very small and less-than-significant tidbits have popped up here and there, but for the most part the game has avoided the radar. This week Computer and Video Games magazine online scored an interview with associate producer Justin Drust, who finally confirmed four-player co-op throughout the campaign.

The quote is quietly camouflaged in an answer meant to bring attention to the new Cross-Com, which has a few tweaks itself. Justin also highlights the new AI soldiers, which he boasts will be smarter than in previous games. I'm not too enthusiastic just yet (have you ever really seen AI live up to the developer's claims?), but I do like the confirmed drop-in/drop-out support that those AI characters represent.

Being the gun snob that I am, I wasn't too happy with seeing the same non-existent bullpup rifle in every screenshot; Ghost Recon to me has always been about loading out the way you want, and then deploying according to your strategy. Thankfully, Justin also revealed that while Ghosts will only have one rifle available, it can be modded - to some degree - with optics, grenade launchers, silencers, etc.

All appearances indicate that Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will potentially please Tom Clancy fans once again. We'll be able to test the ropes a little better whenever they finally get around to starting that multiplayer beta test.