News | 9/30/2010 at 9:58 PM

New Castlevania: Harmony of Despair DLC Out Today

Casltevania: Harmony of Despair has some downloadable content available today.  We brought you the news when a picture of the pyramid level leaked back in early August.  The Pyramid of Ruins is the name of the map, based on a level from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.  The chapter is called 'Beauty, Desire, Situation Dire.'  Interesting.  I wrote a poem with that exact same title when I was in the fifth grade.  I think it was about my waning interest in G.I.Joe and my budding affection for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Either that--or I had just discovered breasts.

In the new map pack, players will be able to explore an ancient pyramid while they grind their way through and try to survive new enemies and foes in the new level. 

Staying in line with the quintessential Castlevania 2-D side-scrolling action, this new map teleports players to a totally different world of psychedelic art within the ruins of Egyptian pyramids. Awaiting at the end of the map is a femme fatale boss, Ashtarte, with the sole intent of breaking your soul into oblivion.

A femme fatale 'breaking my soul into oblivion?'  Now it sounds exactly like the fifth grade.  And quite a few grades after that.

For players looking for new characters to play with, Julius, Maria and Yoko will be coming soon to Xbox LIVE  Arcade, make sure to stay tuned for those upcoming DLC releases.

We thought the game was a solid co-op experience.  This DLC should add some meat to its vampire hunting bones.  The new Castlevania: HD content is available right now on Xbox LIVE for 400 Microsoft points.