News | 10/4/2010 at 6:09 PM

Halo Reach's Next Weekly Challenge - 50 Rounds of Firefight

Continuing a trend that started last week for the weekly challenge in Halo Reach, Bungie has put forth another co-op friendly way of increasing your credits this time in the game's Firefight mode.

To earn yourself a cool 3000 credits all you need to do is complete 50 rounds of Firefight in matchmaking.  Remember that each Firefight match in matchmaking is potentially 5 rounds, so completing this only requires 10 separate matches.  After testing it looks like each MATCH is one ROUND.  So that's potentially a LOT of Firefight.  As always if you don't feel like taking your chances with the general Halo public you can give the Co-Optimus forums a try to find your Halo soulmate.