News | 10/18/2010 at 11:38 AM

The Orange Block - Virtual LEGOs for Free

It's unclear exactly who is behind this unlicensed, unofficial, free indie game...but they've obviously put a lot of effort into bringing a virtual open world of LEGO creations to life. The concept is simple: pick from around 70 different types of blocks, pick a color for each, and assemble them however you like.

The LEGO inspiration is immediately apparent in The Orange Block - pieces are taken from the classic sets as well as your favorite crossovers...such as Star Wars and the discontinued Castle lineup. There's even a mod for Rock Raiders!

Much like Minecraft, servers are available to allow your friends to join you while you create the perfect fortress or the galaxy's biggest space cruise liner. You can use The Orange Block to create screenshots, movies, and even games within the game. Currently the forums feature projects such as a Halo mod, a Resident Evil mod, several zombie-themed short films, and a fully-featured virtual Monopoly clone.

Read more about The Orange Block at its official blog and website. You can view the screenshots we've featured here - and several more - in high resolution at the Mod Database, where you can also download mods.