News | 1/27/2011 at 10:55 PM

LEGO Star Wars III Video Shows Off Upgrades, Split Screen Co-Op

We're big fans of the LEGO games here at Co-Optimus.  Charming interpretations of beloved movies combined with kid-friendly two-player co-op is some good.  The best of the LEGO games, as we recently determined, are the Star Wars titles.  Thus, we are very excited about the upcoming third game in the series, based on the Clone Wars television show.

A web doc has popped up on YouTube, and it shows off some of the new features of LEGO Star Wars III.  The improved graphics and nifty new animations are expected for sequels, but there's more.  Leading armies of troops who follow your commands, massive space battles, and lengthy split-screen sections look quite promising.  It looks like the force is strong with this series once again.