News | 1/28/2011 at 9:21 AM

SOCOM 4 Gets a Release Date, 5 Player Co-Op

We've been sitting back patiently for a while now, waiting...hoping... and wanting SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals developer Zipper Interactive to announced co-op support for their upcoming tactical shooter.  While it wasn't some grandiose reveal, we did finally get confirmation today that the game would support 5 players in co-op - though details of it were not mentioned.

When a PlayStation Blog commentor asked if the game would have a 4 player co-op mode, Senior Community Manager Jeremy Dunham had this to say.

No, we have 5-player co-op mode! We’ll be going into that a later date, though

So that's that.  The release date was announced for April 19th of this year.  Along with the release date came an impressive new trailer showing off the game's multiplayer modes.  SOCOM 4 will ship with PlayStation Move support out of the box as well as traditional control methods.