News | 3/30/2011 at 11:27 PM

Dungeon Defenders: First Wave Goes Free on Android, Enhanced on iPad 2

Dungeon Defenders: First Wave, the four player co-op RPG/Tower Defense game for mobile devices has some excellent news today.  

First up, the Android version of the game is now free to play!  Instead of charging for the game, Trendy Entertainment is banking on in-game microtransactions to help support the title.  This includes rare items, mana bank enhancements and other accessories which can be purchased in app.  Still the core game is free and you can get all the co-op enjoyment you want out of it.

In other Dungeon Defenders: First Wave news, we've been told that iPad version of the game is one of the only applications to fully take advantage of the iPad 2's multi-core processor.  This means better graphics, faster gameplay, and other witchcraft.  If you own an iPad 2 - first, I'm jealous, second - enter the menu and enable "max graphics" to enjoy the goodness.  To celebrate the iPad 2 enhancement, the game is on sale for a limited time for $0.99.

Here's a video of it in action.


We're also giving away some iOS codes for the game.  So leave a comment below and we'll draw some winners later this week!