News | 5/16/2011 at 2:36 PM

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 5.16.2011

This week we have a late arrival for the PC and maybe, if we're lucky, we'll get some PSN love.   Better late than never, I always say.  Not a huge co-op week, but "Grand Theft Auto 1947" is coming out, or as I like to call it, "Red Dead Redemption: The Future is Cra-a-zy".


Fable 3  (PC) Get ready to suit up in your favorite outfit and unleash your Glowing Hammer of Whack-A-Mole upon the masses. 2 player online co-op.


Gatling Gears  (PSN) It's a top down shooter featuring old-timey mechs! 2 player local co-op, 2 player online co-op.

Here you'll find the Amazon links for the retail co-op games listed above along with the other major(-ish) titles that launch this week. 

Cake Mania 4 (DS) [Google It]
 (Wii) [Google It]
Fable 3
 (PC) [Google It]
Hyper Fighters
 (Wii) [Google It]
L.A. Noire
 (360, PS3) [Google It]
Murder in Venice
 (DS) [Google It]
Reader Rabbit Kindergarten
 (Wii) [Google It]
Reader Rabbit 1st Grade
 (Wii) [Google It]
Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade
 (Wii) [Google It]
Reader Rabbit Preschool
 (Wii) [Google It]
Spongebob Squigglepants
 (3DS) [Google It]
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
 (PC) [Google It]

Once again, if we are missing a game, please, leave a comment mentioning it.  Maybe someone will see it and enjoy it.