News | 5/18/2011 at 8:56 AM

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Details Leak, YouTube Videos Confirm Locations

Kotaku has let the cat out of the bag on Modern Warfare 3 - and in this case - the cat is wielding an M16A4 with red dot attachment...and it's shooting puppies.  What Kotaku has on their hands, and what they decided to leak and print for the world, is the rumored entire plot, characters, maps, weapons, and locations of Modern Warfare 3.  Most likely these details were leaked by former Infinity Ward employees that have since moved on - making the details and concept art well over a year old.  So as accurate as some of it is, according to Infinity Ward Communications Directory Robert Bowling - "some still accurate, some not. To avoid spoiling the experience, I'd wait for the real reveal."

We tend to agree.

Regardless of the ethics involved with printing all of that material in its entirety, there are some details we are glad that saw the light of day.  The biggest news for co-op gamers is that Spec-Ops mode is making a return.  This mode was found in Modern Warfare 2 and featured modified versions of the single player missions tweaked for two players.  Modern Warfare 3 promises to expand on that mode - which hopefully means more player support.  Also added to the game is a survival style co-op mode.  Again - these details are basically unconfirmed at this point, but we imagine with E3 right around the corner, we'll be getting the full story soon enough.  Co-Optimus will be there and we'll bring you all the details.

In an effort to counter some of this - Activision PR has released the first few teaser trailers on Facebook for the game - the trailers confirm four locations that will be playable in the game - America, Germany, France and England.

The game has a rumored release date of November 8th and it seems some retailers are already on board with that.  Expect Modern Warfare 3 to hit on the 360, PS3 and PC.