News | 6/22/2011 at 8:13 AM

Plants vs Zombies and other Pop Cap Games on Sale this Week on XBLA

If you're looking for a deal on some casual and addictive games, including a few co-op ones, then look no further than Xbox Live this week.  Pop Cap games are on sale, most for 50% off, including Plants vs. Zombies which features co-op play in the campaign and in a bowling mode.  We've got a review of that right here.

Another favorite co-op game on sale is Heavy Weapon,  which is a side scrolling shooter with over the top action for four players online or locally.  Finally if you want something a little more light hearted other than giant shooting tanks or zombies hellbent on eating your house - you can snag Feeding Frenzy 2 - which has sharks hell bent on eating your fish!

Here's the full list of games on sale this week.


Plants vs. Zombies 1200 600 MSP Peggle 800 400 MSP Peggle Nights 400 200 MSP Zuma 400 200 MSP Feeding Frenzy 400 200 MSP Feeding Frenzy 2 800 400 MSP Bejeweled 2 800 400 MSP Bejeweled Blitz Live 800 200 MSP Heavy Weapon 800 400 MSP