News | 7/28/2011 at 2:11 PM

Media Molecule Bowing Out of Future LittleBigPlanet Titles

With the Double Eleven/Tarsier-developed LittleBigPlanet for the PS Vita around the corner, series creator Media Molecule has been utilizing its time away from the limelight generating plans to expand to new ideas.

To explain, creative director Mark Healey likened the franchise to a child:

"If you think of [having] LittleBigPlanet as 'having a child', you kinda get to the stage where they want to leave home. It’s kinda like that."

Which is not to say that they won't be continuing support; it just won't be the award-winning studio's main operation. We look forward to seeing what co-op offerings they have up their burlap sleeves.