News | 10/9/2008 at 11:28 AM

Even More New Sackboys: Solid Snake and Sephiroth

Hot on the heels of yesterday's Little Big Planet news, a couple more new Sackboys have been revealed.  Solid Snake of Metal Gear fame, and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII will be reresented in Sackboy form.  You've gotta love these guys!  Taking popular video game characters and making little burlap sack versions of them seems simple, yet they are certainly fun.  No details about how to get these little fellows are given, but you can see some higehr res pictures here.  I'm wondering who's next?  Sackboy Optimus Prime, I hope...

Have you been wondering what will happen to all the user created content for LBP after the beta?  So have we.  Some of the work done has been amazing; there are some real gems in there, reminding of just how creative fans can be.  It would seem like a shame for all that hard work to be ereased, wouldn't it?  A poll has been put up at the LBP News Site, to decide this very issue.  Currently, 82% of voters feel the content should remain, while the remaining minority would prefer a clean slate for the game's upcoming launch.  

If what 1UP is reporting is correct, the majority have already got their wish.  And that is good news as we can all co-op our way through some sweet user created levels as soon as it launches.