News | 8/8/2011 at 5:55 PM

An Official Post on WH40k: Space Marine Co-Op

Tiny info spill in 3,2,1...

There is a great co-op debate going on over at the WH40k Space Marine forums.  An image from a promotional GameStop badge has created more questions than answers.  Let me explain... no, that will take too long.  Let me sum up:  The badge mentions "5 player co-op: Bonus FREE game mode (Day 30 DLC)."  What the hell does that mean?  I'm going to stop you right there.  There has been rampant speculation over this puzzling bit of information.  I've done a little speculating, myself (I'm not proud).  Except now it seems some rumors are being presented as fact.  A new thread popped up on the forums yesterday, and while it may not have all the information we want, it does have concrete information:

This is an official thread and I ask that everyone point users this way if they fail to use the search function of the website.

Co-Op Details:

1.) Space Marine will have Co-Op added in 30 days give or take after launch.
    a.) Why? We wanted to polish up the Co-Op aspect of Space Marine. 
2.) The GameStop Co-Op call out was old information and we have a nice slate of info to cover all your Co-Op needs.
3.) Everyone who purchases Space Marine at retail (brand new) will get Co-Op for FREE. If you buy the game one year from now the Co-Op option will still be Free as long as the game is sealed brand new from retail.

I will update this thread with all the Co-Op details when we release them, so please stop speculating and confusing users with false info.

This message comes from the THQ Community Manager and Forum Moderator, so it's pretty damn official.  I'm happy to see that the developers want to fine-tune Space Marine's co-op features.  I'm also bummed the co-op is coming out "30 days give or take" after the game's September 6th launch. 

That's it.  This is the only solid, official co-op information.  We expect to get more details on the game's co-op capabilities in  the upcoming weeks.  When we do, we'll be sure to share them with you.