News | 9/27/2011 at 7:56 AM

Massive Xbox Live Arcade Co-Op Game Sale This Week

So many games, so little time

Xbox 360 gamers who enjoy co-op are in for quite a treat this week. Numerous co-op Xbox Live Arcade games are on sale for half of from now through Monday, October 3, including some that we never thought would go on sale (Trouble Witches Neo!).

Here is the co-op sale list. Each game’s title links to its Co-Optimus page so you can quickly find out more about them all.

Bionic Commando Rearmed - 400 Points (Local Co-op) Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime - 400 Points (Local/Online Co-op) Outland - 400 Points (Online Co-op) Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter – 400 Points (Online Co-op) - 66% off! Trouble Witches Neo – 400 Points (Local/Online Co-op) Yar's Revenge - 400 Points (Local Co-op) Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 - 600 Points (Local Co-op) Monday Night Combat - 600 Points(Local/Online Co-op) Moon Diver - 600 Points(Local/Online Co-op) Shank - 600 Points (Local Co-op) Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale - 800 Points (Local/Online Co-op) –33% off (Gold subscribers only) Section 8 Prejudice - 800 Points (Online Co-op) –33% off (DLC is 50% off)

There’s something for everybody on that list. I picked up Outland, Islands of Wakfu, Trouble Witches Neo, Moon Diver and Bionic Commando Rearmed 2. Platformers, action-RPGs, shoot-em-ups, oh my!

Which games will you be picking up from this sale?

Trivia: The developers of the first Bionic Commando Rearmed liked my FAQ so much, they sent me their autographs:

Update: The sale prices on all of these games are open to Silver and Gold members alike, with the exception of Daggerdale. But why the heck would anybody buy that game anyway? :)