Video | 10/4/2011 at 11:57 AM

Break Free with this Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One Boss Battle

Four vs One Hardly Seems Fair

Forgive me a moment of self-indulging idiocy, but the first half of this Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One video evokes images from a certain partially slow-motion advertisement that ran about six years ago and is responsible - to this day - for periodically polluting my headspace with its catchy, bubbly music track. Now whenever I see cartoon characters jumping and flipping around in low gravity I can't help but murmur a few lines to myself.

This can be very embarrassing at work.

Nonetheless, I invite you to push past Mr. Bulsara's intoxicating alto and see the embedded video below. It showcases a four-player co-op boss fight that spans several zones and looks like a ton of fun. If you missed the first video, it's right here, and be sure to check out our beta impressions!