News | 1/1/2012 at 9:35 PM

CCV Blog Wrap-up December 2011

December is a great time to pick your game of the year since everything is still fresh in your head. That's why we've been writing about them for this month's Co-Optimus Community Voices. We heard from two members a couple weeks ago, and we also heard what the staff and community voted for, but we have to members left who would like their voices heard.

 BigBadBob113 is glad he chose Dead Island over Resistance 3

At the time I had saved up the cash for Resistance 3, expecting a revamped co-op mode that would be an improvement on that of Resistance 2. I was crushed when it was announced that a separate co-op mini mode would not be present, and I began to question my desire to own the game. Then I started paying more attention to Dead Island. Yes, that first teaser video definitely had something to do with it, but the four-player drop in/ drop out campaign co-op had a lot more to do with it. It also helped that quite a few members on the site were also pre-ordering. In the end I felt that Dead Island would give me more replay value than Resistance 3, and I was dead right.

 Pofigster and his wife thouroughly enjoyed Gears of War 3

Overall game of the year? That’s an easy answer – Gears of War 3.  Was it the most innovative game?  No.  Was it the best written game?  Probably not.  So why do I award it GOTY?  This is the game that got my wife more into gaming and the first shooter that she actually played and enjoyed.

Extra brownie points have been awarded to Pofigster for matching my GOTY. Thanks for telling us about your Game of the Year! January's topic is coming up soon. Happy New Year!