News | 11/11/2008 at 8:15 AM

Child's Play Drive Kickoff

Co-Optimus has joined the rest of the Colony of Gamers Network in doing a fundraising drive for Penny-Arcade's Child's Play Charity.  

Our goal is to raise $5000 or more for Child's Play by December.  Giving your money to a good cause is always a the right thing to do, but it also helps when you have the chance to win some really great prizes, right?   

How about a personalized voicemail message from David "SolidSnake" Hayter?  Maybe one from Jonathan Coulton?  Yeah we have those.  We are even trying to set up some co-op specific prizes like co-op sessions with developers.  Details can be found in this thread, with the prize list growing and growing.

For now, use the above link and DONATE DONATE DONATE.  And thank you.