News | 7/18/2012 at 10:40 PM

This Week in Co-Op - The Secret World of Dana Scully and Doc Brown

Mike and Jason Venture Forth Into a Dark Realm

“So what do you want to play for our TWICO article, Mike,” I asked. “Well… there’s always Diablo,” he replied. “I think folks have probably had enough of that for now,” I said. “Have you checked out The Secret World,” he then inquired. With that simple question, the characters of Dana “Frumpypants” Scully and John “Doc-Brown” Lovegood were born.

Recorded by Agent Dana Scully, May 24, 2012 - Damn him! Damn Mulder for being right! All his talk of extraterrestrial life and secret societies...

I should have left sooner. After all, he did...

And now, whatever those... those people did to me that led to the miracle of William seems to have done something more. I have... I don’t even know what to call them. Powers, I guess? One minute I’m sleeping, the next fire’s exploding from my body. I’ve seen a lot of strange cases in my day, but each of them had some rational explanation. This... this...

Damn him...

Excerpt from Doc-Brown’s Journal, May 25, 2012 – Great scott! I’ve somehow acquired mystical powers and now have control over the elements. In all my years as a scientist I’ve been able to use these basic natural forces in my work to further my research, but never would I have imagined that I’d actually be in command of such raw energy. (Those 1.21 jigawatts doesn’t seem so laughable now!) If that weren’t enough, I am now in some kind of “secret society” that calls itself “the Illuminati.” Press ganged into its fold, would be an accurate description of my recruiting process. Very inconvenient. These powers demand further study and explanation, but it seems my “new friends” wish me to use them instead in some kind “secret war” they’re waging...

Recorded by Agent Dana Scully, May 30, 2012 - The “Illuminati...” How did I end up in this mess? Another secretive group pulling the strings behind the scenes all to further their own agenda... At least our main POC doesn’t smoke...

I don’t know what to make of this man they’ve partnered me with, either. Introduces himself as Doc Brown and explains that he’s a scientist. Built a time machine or something. Ok...

Excerpt from Doc-Brown’s Journal, May 31, 2012 – I’ve travelled (in style) to the future and to the past, but never would I have imagined there being a place like Agartha – a travel nexus connecting all areas of the globe. The quantum properties and possibilities are simply mind-boggling. My new “friends” don’t seem to fully trust me yet (and why should they) as they’ve given me a partner. She seems like she’s a fellow scientific mind, but every so often she gets this look in her eye as if she’s seen it all before and that there can be no explanation for what we see.

Our “friends” instructed us to travel to the New England town of Kingsmouth to investigate some mysterious disappearances. After what I’ve seen in Agartha, I’m not quite sure what to expect... When arrived we were greeted by “a cowboy” (I’ve seen the real thing and this guy is no cowboy) who goes on about “the living dead”… ha! There have been many wonders I’ve seen today, but the reanimation of lifeless tissue cannot happen. Likely these things are nothing more than people who have fallen under the powers of suggestion and hypnosis. I do not wish to harm them, but they leave me little choice...

Recorded by Former Agent Dana Scully, June 5, 2012 - These past few days... I don’t even know how to describe it. The dead rise from their graves... Unspeakable horrors that I can’t even think about without...

Mulder... I believe...

If you wish to join “Doc-Brown” and “Frumpypants” on their journey, they can be found on the Leviathan server, though their playtimes may be a bit erratic...