News | 11/24/2008 at 1:01 PM

Fable 2 DLC incoming, No Specific Co-Op Enhancements

Well the "Big" announcement is finally here, and really, it's not all that big.  Lionhead has announced a premium DLC pack called Knothole Island that unlocks new quests, armor, weapons and areas to explore and gain.  The download is set to come out December 12th for a price of 800 MS Points, which seems to be the standard run of the mill pricing for DLC these days.

From what I gather if someone purchases the DLC, you won't be able to play the content co-op unless you purchase it yourself.  In fact, if they purchase it and you don't download the free "co-op enhancement pack" you won't be able to play with them AT ALL.

Umm...really?   Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but why wouldn't this just be included in a title update?  Speaking of which  - where's the update to fix some of the outstanding bugs Lionhead?