News | 11/26/2008 at 11:28 AM

PlayStation Network Co-Op Games on Sale, Turkeys on Heads

Looking for some quick co-op games this long weekend?  PlayStation owners can snag a few co-op titles that are currently on sale on the PlayStation Network.

PixelJunk Eden is available for only $4.99 and features an offline 3 player co-op mode.  You can read our official review here.

Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 is available for the same price of $4.99 and features both offline and online 3 player co-op modes.   Our official review of this is also available here.

Wow, that's odd.  Two 3 player co-op games.  Very rare!  Get it while the getting is good as this deal ends December 4th!

In similar PSN news, to celebrate Thanksgiving you can get yourself a Sackboy with a Turkey on it's head for free.   Enhance your Little Big Planet experience with poultry!