News | 10/26/2012 at 2:20 PM

Extra Life - Thank You!

You helped Co-Optimus save lives

Last weekend, our Extra Life team endured a 24 hour gaming marathon, and raised $2,188.75
for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Those donations are going straight to the Children's Hospitals we each chose, to help kids in need. This was our first year organizing a team, and we blew away our goal of $1,000. As someone who has personally spent months visiting my child in the hospital, that makes me very proud. On behalf of the Co-Optimus staff, our Co-Optimus Extra Life team, and parents everywhere, I'd like to thank each of you who donated, participated, or helped spread the word. It means alot to me, and it literally means the world to kids fighting diseases, disabilities, and prematurity.

As of Tuesday, the total across the whole Extra Life 2012 event was $1.93 million, and that number is still climbing. Yes, you read that correctly, donations are still being accepted. The official word is that donation pages will remain open until mid-December, so if you haven't donated yet, there's still time to donate. Why not help Extra Life 2012 break the $2 million mark? If you haven't already, PLEASE consider donating to one of our team members.

Now that we have one Extra Life event under our belts, we're looking forward to next year. If you're thinking about participating next year, let us know. If you watched our live feeds, or joined our games, and have some feedback to share, please do! Sound off in the comments, I'll be taking notes for next year.

Again, thanks to everyone for donating, participating, and spreading the word. We made a difference.