News | 11/23/2012 at 5:07 AM

Ben 10's Two Player Co-Op Trailer

A new trailer for Ben 10 Omniverse

I've scoured the internets for the biggest, the best, and the most fantastic co-op news of the day.  Unfortunately, it’s a major holiday in the USA so news is sparse.  I did manage to find something deep behind the waste bins of the web; a new video for the upcoming 2 player local co-op title Ben 10: Omniverse.  Please feel free to remove the crusted food and enjoy.  

I'm not sure what an Omniverse is, or who Ben 10 is for that matter, but the game is out on 360, PS3, Wii and Wii U on November 30th.  The below trailer introduces several of the characters that Ben can transform into, but also gives a glimpse of the co-op.

Like the recent Sonic Generation, Ben 10: Omniverse features two generations of its main character - Young Ben and his older self.  How this will impact the gameplay is a mystery, hopefully it will be a mini game were Old Ben insists that Young Ben invests in certain companies and places the correct bets on major sporting events.  Perhaps the below video shows this?