News | 12/4/2008 at 12:41 PM

Fable 2 Patch Nearing Completion

For those of you still waiting for a Fable 2 patch to fix some show stopping bugs, well there's good news.  According to the official Fable 2 Dev Blog the patch is "nearing completion" with several bugs and fixes all rolled into a tightly packed nugget of patchiness.  I'm guessing the goal is to have the patch ready by December 12th, when the new DLC content hits.

Fixes include the dreaded "Monks/Abbots Quest" glitch, "Charlie item" glitch, and many others.  Of course, this is my personal favorite.

Your child - will no longer be chosen as an assassination target

Awww...they ruined ALL of our fun.  Still no word on whether we'll get any co-op improvements anytime soon, but we'll keep our fingers crossed.