News | 12/19/2012 at 9:08 PM

THQ Files for Bankruptcy, Reveals New Co-Op Game by Left 4 Dead Devs

Fate remains in question.

THQ, publisher of such co-op titles as Saints Row The Third, Dawn of War 2, and 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, have filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the United States to bring them out of some troubled financials that have plagued the company over the past few years.  Since 2009 the publisher has tried to reinvent itself and image, trim the fat so to speak,  focus only on top tier titles to stay afloat, and even offer up their games on the Humble Bundle website - sadly it seems nothing has worked.

The news of the bankruptcy was almost met with news that their assets were being purchased by an investment firm - assets that include the four THQ owned studios (Relic, Vigil, Volition, and THQ Montreal) as well as publishing agreements and deals like that with Obsidian who is developing the South Park RPG.  Perhaps the most interesting bit of news from the filing is the disclosure of a deal with Turtle Rock Studios, who created the Left 4 Dead franchise and a new game they are working on called Evolve, which is being billed as a co-op action game slated for a late 2013 release.  We first heard about this project back in April, but things were very very vague.

It's unclear the fate of some of these projects, obviously it all depends on how the bankruptcy filing goes, the purchase of the assets goes, and just who gets to make the decision as to what stays and what goes.  But the prospect of a new game from Turtle Rock Studios on the horizon, we'll be watching this a lot closer.