News | 12/9/2008 at 2:19 PM

Gears of War 2 Sells 3 Million Copies, 1.5 Million Co-Op Couples Enjoy

3 Million is a big number anyway you slice it.  And recent news has come to light that Gears of War 2 has surpassed that number in sold retail copies in about one month.  

Epic Games Vice President and bringer of the Apocalypse, Marc Rein, had this to say.

"Microsoft [the game's publisher] confirmed to me this afternoon that Gears of War 2 sell-through surpassed 3 million units as of last week."

Oh right, we just said that.  But now it's official.  None of that he said/she said BS.  Straight from the horse's mouth and all that jazz.

The original Gears of War has sold over 5 million copies to date, and both games provide and top notch co-op experience for two players.  Gears of War 2 offers a 5 player co-op Horde mode as well.  Don't forget to check out our official review of the game.