News | 2/15/2013 at 2:04 PM

Torchlight 2 Co-Op Night and Steam Sale

Steam loves us

I swear, whoever is in charge of setting up sales at Steam keeps an eye on our chatter here, because the past several PC co-op nights we've announced were accompanied by a Steam sale for the same game. Perhaps it's just coincidence, since Steam is always having sales, but I like to think we have some influence on the industry.

Coincidence or not, we're playing Torchlight 2 on Wednesday, February 20th, starting at 8PM Eastern, and you can pick it up for $9.99 (50% off) right now on Steam. Better yet, grab the four pack for $29.99 and make sure you have some partners to play with on the 20th. The deal is only good for this weekend, so go buy Torchlight 2 now, we'll wait...

Back? Great. Now that you own our community's pick for Indie Game of the Year, head on over to the event thread to find out how to participate in next week's co-op night. Hope to see you there!