News | 2/19/2013 at 9:00 AM

A Valley Without Wind 2 is Out

Improves on the original in every way

A follow-up to the esoteric and sometimes confusing experience that was A Valley Without Wind, developer Arcen Games has just delivered a sequel that aims to correct every misstep taken by the original. Best described as ActRaiser with deeper strategic elements, A Valley Without Wind 2 mixes platforming, resource gathering, metroidvania-style exploration, and even co-op elements to create a game that goes out of its way to challenge traditional genre descriptors.

There's a big list of changes made for A Valley Without Wind 2, but the general idea is that the sequel is a little more accessible, a little easier on the eyes, and more streamlined in certain areas. City building elements were deepened and the map was changed from overhead to an isometric view. New enemies have been added, the controls have been tweaked, and the eternal sandbox gameplay has been replaced with an actual ending.

Co-op in A Valley Without Wind 2 works much like in A Valley Without Wind, allowing 2-8 players for online play (depending on connection speeds) and 16 via LAN. The game is free for anyone who already owns the original, and purchasing A Valley Without Wind 2 nets you the first one for free. No matter how you cut it, there's a big freebie to be had.

A Valley Without Wind 2 is available on Steam for Windows and Mac.