News | 3/20/2008 at 3:52 PM

Rock Band Keeps on Rockin'

Several bits of news have come up as of late regarding the world's loudest co-op game, Rock Band.  Joystick reports that a jaw dropping six million songs have been downloaded since the game's release.  6,000,000.  To put things into perspective, that is like an album going platinum, 6 times over.  By anyone's measure, Rock Band DLC is a success.  It's no surprise then, that the wait for the long-promised release of entire albums may be shorter than you think.  A patch for Rock Band will be available soon, and one of the (long overdue) main features of the patch is an in-game Music Store.  Albums are listed under new releases as "coming soon".  Hopefully we can all be playing Who's Next and Nevermind by summer.  Additional features of the Music Store are previews for each song and the ability to sort through available music as you like. This will make finding just the right song to download that much easier for you, and that much harder on your wallet.