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Why Creativity is a Gamechanger in Gaming

Game development has come a long way since the early days of Pong and Tetris. Modern game development is expensive and innovative, making use of the latest technologies to create truly immersive and original experiences. Creativity is a big part of game design, with unique games that introduce new concepts or features often selling millions of copies.

Games are complex systems involving many rules and settings while encouraging the players to take certain actions or make choices. In a way, a game is a lot like the world we live in., only every aspect of it has to be meticulously designed. Characters, backstories, levels and much more all need to be invented, designed and put into the game, a process that takes a lot of creativity. The same is true for casino games, which while they don’t need characters and plots, still need to be innovative and interesting for players to enjoy. Sites like CasinoWings offer more details in casino gaming, but you can find out how creativity affects game design below.  

What Goes into the Game Design Process?

Game design is split into three main stages, pre-production, production and post-production. Every game starts off with simple ideas for concepts and game worlds. This is usually the most creative part of the design process, as the development team are creating an idea from scratch. Concept art, the game’s story, core game mechanics and other features are all added to a game design document, which outlines the ideas behind the game.

Through the production phase, the team then use the game design document and any prototype that was created in order to create the finished product. This involves designing game elements based on concept design, fleshing out characters and stories, plus making sure the games engine can handle the core game mechanics. 

During the production phase, the team create the first playable, pre-alpha, alphas and beta versions of the game. This can be a long process and requires a lot of playtesting and changing elements to make sure the finished game is a success. In some cases, the end result can become completely different to the first playable and pre-alpha versions of the game, as a lot of changes might be needed.

Finally, the post-production phase involves working to make sure that bugs are removed and creating patches if needed. Post-production will also involve working on downloadable content and new content to keep the game fresh for longer. Throughout the three stages of development, FX artists, game animators, audio engineers and 3D modellers all use their creativity to help create a game that players will love. 

How Innovation is Shaping the Video Game Industry

Innovation is said to be creativity put into practice, and the last few years have seen an explosion of creativity in the video game industry. Modern games make use of technology such as VR, mobile optimisation, improved physics engines and online connectivity to create a better gaming experience. 

The video game industry has quickly become one of the best performing industries in the world as technology has improved, and companies are increasingly looking for innovative ways to bring in more players and increase sales. Game developers need to be able to use creativity to come up with ways to utilise technology well in order to create interesting and unique IPs. 

Improving creativity in the video game industry means that games now make use of Hollywood writers and actors, helping to drive video games to the top spot of the entertainment industry. Big publishers are starting to take risks on smaller studios, funding projects that aren’t just about a continuation of the current generation of games but look to add new ways to play that will keep players interested. 

Ultimately, consumers are the ones who get the last say on what type of video games are made, as they buy the games that are interesting to them. As the market grows more competitive, developers have to get creative with game design to drive sales and beat the competition.