Co-Optimus Feed for Co-Op videogame news for .DYNABLASTER A custom RSS feed on co-op gaming for: Co-Op videogame news for .DYNABLASTER en-us Co-op Bomberman-Style Game DYNABLASTER Arrives on Xbox, Switch, and SteamPaul Acevedo

Dynablaster offers two main game styles: Tournament (a series of competitive matches) and Key Picker (a single-player or cooperative mode). We're focused on the co-op Key Picker, which can be played online or locally with 2-4 players. Online matchmaking for Key Picker seems to create a 2-player game, but we assume that the "Play VS. Friends" option (which is actually co-op when playing Key Picker) will allow for 4-player.

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Dynablaster Developer InterviewPaul Acevedo

It's a big year for Bomberman fans, with Super Bomberman R 2 finally coming out later this month. That game won't feature co-op, however, so it falls on other games to pick up the slack. One such game is the upcoming Dynablaster from BBG Entertainment. To learn more about Dynablaster's Bomberman-style gameplay and co-op features, w...

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]]> Dynablaster, Offshoot of Bomberman, Is Coming to Consoles and PC with Co-op!Paul Acevedo

BBG Entertainment's Dynablaster is a Bomberman clone that features:

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