News | 6/25/2013 at 2:00 PM

Indie Royale Bundle Features Four Co-Op PC Games

And maybe a fifth once that mystery game gets unlocked.

The Indie Royale Bundle has unveiled its latest offering, packing together a handful of games for a low "pay pretty much whatever you want" price. As long as you beat the minimum, of course. This bundle is dubbed the Spiral Groove Bundle and it's all about action games. And what makes an action game even more actioney? The chance to show off your skills in co-op! All four of the games currently featured have co-op modes, so you can stop worrying about how you were going to fritter away your weekend instead of doing something that, I don't know, solves world hunger or something like that. Whew.

Leading the list is Sniper Elite V2, a first person shooter set in World War II that focuses on skill, patience and cunning. Two players can tackle the main campaign online. Next up is Gatling Gears, a mech-based twin stick shooter that supports two player online and local co-op. Judge Dredd doesn't want to be left out of the big bundle of happiness, so Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death is along for the ride, even though it's an eight year old game. Finally, Bloody Trapland is an indie release that plays pretty much like the title suggests. You can tackle this game with up to three friends both online and locally.

The Indie Royale Spiral Groove Bundle ends July 3rd. The current minimum is hovering around $5.