News | 7/10/2013 at 5:42 AM

Hands off My Promethium with the New Alien Rage Trailer

Coming September 24th

Alien Rage is the story of the struggle for the powerful resource Promethium.  They say it can power a planet, but what is it?  I believe that it is the combined rage of all the people who have seen Prometheus - channelling this anger could fuel a thousand stars.  Am I right?  Check out the new cinematic story trailer to find out.

Alien Rage is a  2 player online co-op shooter that appears to be part gunplay and, from the looks of the latest trailer, Tower Defense?  Earlier gameplay footage showed off a game that crossed Mass Effect 3's co-op mode with Quake.  The new story trailer is a little more subtle and hints at tone and a sense of place.  As long as I can get my rage on, I don't really mind.

The game is due out across xbla, psn and PC on September 24th.  That is still some time away, so settle down and let the trailer tell you a story.  The story of a little film franchise that started with Alien:

Nothing to do with Prometheus then - doh.