News | 9/9/2014 at 11:30 AM

Destiny Day 1 Patch

Hand cannon Warlocks are so in

Destiny is barely 12 hours old and it already has received a patch. For anyone who's already digging into the game, this patch was applied when you first started up and it comes with some big changes since the Beta at the end of July. The most notable changes are to the different weapons and a few class tweaks.

Players who are fans of the Assault Rifle may be disappointed by the decrease in damage, accuracy, and stability, though Bungie has boosted the pulse rifle and hand cannon to make those more viable options. A few highlights from the full patch notes are below.



Removed subclass locking from builds Adjusted the unlock order for all subclass trees Adjusted the cooldown ranges of armor stats (Intellect, Discipline, Strength) Agility now has more impact to move speed and acceleration.



Catapult no longer has screen effects


Shoulder Charge now deals Arc damage instead of Kinetic Lightning Grenade shock damage increased by 66% (base 60 to 100) Amplify Super bonus-on-kill increased from 6% to 10% Flashbang no longer disorients ultra combatants Transfusion now has a 5-second cooldown before it can trigger again Juggernaut shield is removed after jumping or sprinting for 6.5 seconds


Ward of Dawn now immediately regenerates your health on activation



Golden Gun is now unable to overpenetrate through a Ward of Dawn shield Incendiary Grenade detonation damage reduced by 18% (base 140 to 115) Chain of Woe now grants an additional 5%, 10%, 15% bonus to reload speed Gunslinger's Trance buff duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds.


Arcbolt Grenade impact damage reduced by 17% (base 120 to 100) Razor's Edge distance traveled slowed and reduced Quickdraw now no longer requires a melee hit Blink now cancels invisibility when used



Nova Bomb Vortex duration reduced from 5 to 3.5 seconds Nova Bomb Vortex effects now has displays for its victims Energy Drain impact damage increased by 10% (base 100 to 110) Soul Rip super bonus on kill increased from 6% to 10% bonus Vortex Grenade linger damage reduced by 50% (base 15 to 10) per tick Surge now grants a bonus to reload and weapon-ready speed Surge now activates when doing damage to an enemy instead of killing blow Surge agility buff increased by 33% (base 10 to 13)


Firebolt Grenade impact damage reduced by 20% (base 100 to 80) Flame Shield now activates when doing damage to an enemy instead of killing blow Flame Shield now provides a small overshield Solar Grenade linger damage reduced by 50% (base 15 to 10) per tick


Assault Rifles

Reduced the base Damage of all Assault Rifles by 7% Reduced the base Accuracy ranges by [14% to 25%], modified by weapon stat Reduced the base Stability ranges by [8% to 80%], modified by weapon stat

Pulse Rifles

Increased the base Damage per bullet range by [2% to 17%], modified by weapon stat Increased the base Stability range by [8% to 25%], modified by weapon stat Reduced the base Rate of Fire by [8% to 19], modified by weapon stat

Scout Rifles

Reduced the base Damage of all Scout Rifles by 8% Fixed an issue that broke the fx for explosive rounds

Hand Cannons

Increased the base Zoom of all Hand Cannons by 20% Increased the base Damage per bullet range by [4% to 15%], modified by weapon stat Increased the base Magazine size range by [8% to 20%], modified by weapon stat Reduced the base Accuracy range by [75% to 100%], modified by weapon stat

Sniper Rifles

Increased the base Stability range by [6% to 100%], modified by weapon stat

Fusion Rifles

Fusion Rifle charging is now more reliable


Improved Shotgun damage falloff networking. Reduced base Damage per bullet range by [2% to 5%], modified by weapon stat Reduced base Shotgun range by [1% to 7%], modified by weapon stat

You can check out the full list of notes from Bungie's site.

I'm personally glad of the weapon changes as it always felt like the other guns (with the exception of the Scout Rifle) got tossed away pretty quick as the Assault or Scout could easily out damage.

For everyone who's currently playing, how do the changes feel? Should there be outcries of "nerf Warlocks," or "buff Hunters" yet?