News | 11/5/2023 at 12:00 PM

Adventures Mini-Campaigns Are Coming to Vampire Survivors

Everyone's favorite five dollar roguelike will soon get a whole new way to play.

It seems like just the other day that the free 'Whiteout' campaign was added to the Switch version of Vampire Survivors. Still, the team at Poncle isn't one to sit on its vampire-repelling laurels. They've already announced Adventures, a new game type that will be coming to Vampire Survivors in its next update. Three adventures will debut with said update, and they will support local co-op to boot.

Let's start with Poncle's description of the new game type:

Adventures are self-contained miniature story modes that remix the game's content, following the Survivors cast on a series of wacky sidequests. Each Adventure will offer a unique progression path, giving the player an opportunity to start from scratch and face custom challenges with a limited arsenal - without losing their precious unlocks in the main game.

The developer has helpfully posted an Adventures FAQ with additional details. For instance, new adventures will be added each time the game receives a major update. Three adventures will come with the next update, one of which will require the "Legacy of the Moonspell" DLC. Relax, the DLC is only $2! How does this developer make money with such low prices? Volume, I guess. Anyway, the first batch of adventures will take 1-2 hours to complete, and only a few things like relic unlocks will carry over between Adventures and the main game.

These mini-campaigns sound like a great way to breathe new life into an already huge and addictive game. Adventures will be added to all versions of the game in the upcoming version 1.8 update. No ETA has been revealed for the update.

Vampire Survivors sells for $4.99 on XboxSwitch, and Steam. The game supports 4-player local co-op. We'll have a full co-op review soon!