News | 3/7/2024 at 10:00 AM

Contra: Operation Galuga to Feature Save Data Bonus for Owning Other Konami Games

Unlock classic Contra, Castlevania, and Konami soundtracks in the new Contra game!

Contra: Operation Galuga is the next game in Konami's long-running run-and-gun shooter series, and it's due out in less than a week. The game's soundtrack just launched a few days ago, and now there's even more reason to get excited for Operation Galuga's tuneage. Konami and WayForward have announced that gamers who own certain related titles will unlock alternative soundtracks in the new game. It's an exciting bonus for the Konami faithful.

To unlock the save data bonuses, players must have save data for these specific games on their consoles (or for the Steam version, they must simply own these games):

Contra Anniversary Collection: Unlocks Retro Mix featuring music from Contra and Super Contra Castlevania Anniversary Collection: Unlocks Vania Mix featuring music from Castlevania 1-3 Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection: Unlocks Konamix Mix featuring music from various Konami titles

These soundtracks can be used in Operation Galuga's Arcade and Challenge Modes but not Story Mode. It will definitely be cool to instantly unlock these cool alternate soundtracks. That said, players who don't own these past games can unlock the alternative soundtracks from the in-game Perk Shop after clearing the main game.

Contra: Operation Galuga is a run-and-gun shooter that supports 4-player local co-op. Konami recently released a free demo of Contra: Operation Galuga for all platforms. Contra: Operation Galuga launches on Tuesday, March 12 for Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and Steam.

For lots more details, read our developer interview!