News | 6/9/2009 at 12:46 PM

Peter Molyneux Wants to Know What Fable 2 Was Missing

Peter Molyneux has asked us an important question today, one that I hope fans of cooperative games will stand up and answer.  Via his Twitter, Molyneux asks:


hey i had a thought why not try using twitter for some design research soooo #fablefeatures what features were missing from Fable 2

 So now is your chance to stand up and answer - "We want better co-op."  We want to bring our characters into friends games, we want a camera that isn't so restrictive, and we want more interaction between our characters.  You already know our problems with the cooperative mode, and I think a lot of these could address it.

What else do you want in Fable 2?  Be sure to respond via Twitter as well as on this post!