News | 6/23/2009 at 1:45 PM

Modern Warfare 2 Limited to 2 Player Co-Op

We already know we won't be getting any campaign co-op in Modern Warfare 2 when it launches this fall.  Instead players will be teaming up in a mode called Special Forces, which as been described as something similar to the Mile High scenario in Call of Duty 4.

If you've paid close attention to our database entries for the game, you'll notice that we've only listed the game as a two player co-op title.  We've had a lot of folks send us notes that this wasn't correct, and the game was four player, but all information up until this point seemed to point otherwise.  Today, Infinity Ward has confirmed Modern Warfare 2 will feature co-op for two players.

Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling had this to say:


“Two player seemed to be the magic number for co-op. That’s when it stayed really fun and intense without becoming a clusterf**k of things. We just found that two-players was the most fun.”

Really?  In a tactical game things become a crowded?  Interesting for sure.  Bowling also weighs in on why there isn't cooperative play through the story.


He said: “We don’t do co-op in our story because we’re crafting a very specific experience and we don’t want to ruin that by cramming co-op into it. We take the moments that work really well with co-op, we bring them out and we put them in Special Ops.”

 That gets me pretty excited for the Special Ops mode, I can't wait to see what Infinity Ward has planned.