News | 6/21/2010 at 1:10 PM

Crackdown 2 Demo Drops from Fifteen Stories, Cracks Concrete

Okay, yeah...I went overboard with that title. But overboard can be a good thing - like when Ruffian Games decided to go overboard with the Crackdown 2 demo, which is available for download right now. Not only does the 30-minute timed demo support 4-player online co-op, but any Achievements unlocked while playing will be automatically applied if you decide to play the full retail version (which will be in stores in two weeks, by the way).

The demo clocks in at approximately 1GB, and is for Gold subscribers only. You can queue it up here. Once you start the download, you can get a head start on your Quacker sticky bomb collecting by playing the tie-in Facebook game Chuck's Ducks. With great teases like these, July 6th seems so far away...