News | 7/23/2010 at 4:04 PM

Our Weekend in Gaming - Firefighting the Summer Heat

The staff is fully focused on dropping knee deep in grunt blood this weekend thanks to ODST's Firefight mode.  Hopefully Mike won't run over Nick this time with a Warthog.  There's a full array of gaming going on this weekend for sure - and with temperatures approaching 100 in the North East and other parts of the country (not to mention a tropical storm in the South East) - you can bet we'll be staying in doors.  The sun - it burns us.

Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "My backlog continues to grow - but I hope to have time for some Alien Swarm and Transformers: War for Cybertron.  Of course Saturday night is all ODST!"

Marc "DjinniMan" Allie - "Checking out Tidalis, killing giant monsters in Lost Planet 2, and hopefully a bit of Gears 2 and ODST to scratch the survival mode itch!"

Mike "pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "Dragon Quest IX and several iPhone games in between bursts of house cleaning. "

Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "Tonight I'll be playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Tomorrow I finally commence the Gears of War trilogy, hopefully reaching Gears 2 in time to get 20x XP. I'll also be participating in the Halo Waypoint Co-Op Night tomorrow evening. All this mixed in with work and a quick visit out of town. Whew"

Katrina "ShadokatRegn" Pawlowski - "After getting myself thoroughly stuck in Darksiders (remember kids, buying health items is never a bad investment), I started up Alan Wake and will be playing an episode a night. On the side I'm sure Crackdown 2 will be revisited, as well as our ODST night Saturday."

What are your gaming plans?