News | 1/7/2011 at 6:22 PM

Trailer for 'Hell Unleashed' Mod for Diablo 2, Focuses on Co-Op Play

It has been eleven years since its release, and people are still playing, modding, and just plain enjoying Diablo 2.  A new patch for the 'Hell Unleashed' mod has recently released, and it is specifically tailored to co-op players.

This mod is focused towards group multiplayer in a manner of which a group of friends or players can start fresh new characters and fight through the forces of hell side by side, although there is a solo edition available.

It appears that the mod is quite challenging, as it is recommended for 3-6 players.  With the release of Diablo 3 drawing near, now might be the perfect time to dust off your looting gear and prepare to battle the minions of hell.  Check out the following trailer to see what's in store.