Video | 6/15/2011 at 10:07 AM

Dungeon Siege 3 Commercial Welcomes Back Couch Co-Op

The first commercial for Dungeon Siege 3 has just hit the internet and it leans a bit on the lighter side of gaming.  The commercial showcases two gamers taking on the bad guys in a real world/video game cross over.  Best of all, they co-op the whole way through.  Obviously that's a big focus for Dungeon Siege 3 with both couch and online co-op support, though the commercial takes a dig at other games that have recently been omitting the couch mode.

I'm warning you - the song from this will get stuck in your head all day.  Dungeon Siege 3 is out next week on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.  You can check out our preview coverage of the game here and here.