Video | 7/18/2011 at 5:28 PM

Voltron: Defender of the Universe Coming to XBLA and PSN in October

Videogame fans and children of the 80's - your lives may now be complete.  Or at least, I know mine is.  A brand new Voltron game is coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network courtesy of THQ complete with 5 player online co-op and 2 player local co-op.  

Arguments over who will be the black lion may begin now.

Voltron: Defender of the Universe is being described as an action adventure game complete with single player and co-op modes.  From the first trailer it appears as though there will be a top down shooter style gameplay element with the five lions as well as a fighting game element where Voltron can duke it out.  The game will follow "key moments in the Voltron universe" and include clips of the animated show as well.

It's being developed by Behaviour Interactive, who most recently put together the Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime video game.  Voltron: Defender of the Universe be out on October 25th for $10.