News | 7/29/2011 at 4:11 PM

Our Weekend in Gaming - Battlefield of Legends

Seems like another indoor type weekend for most of the Co-Opticrew this weekend.  Some of our inboxes were graced with a certain Alpha invite - so we'll be checking that out.  Sorry, no comments from us as we're under NDA!  There's still plenty of other gaming goodness with games like Catherine and League of Legends.

This week we also welcome Paul to the crew, he's going to be helping us out with news and reviews.  Be sure to say hi and welcome him to the group!

Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "I fired up the original Resistance to finish that off and I'll probably play some Civilization V or the Battlefield 3 Alpha on the PC as well.  Overall I'm in a bit of a gaming funk though - so who knows."

Marc "DjinniMan" Allie"I will play some League of Legends when I have time, but other than that it's portable games for me this weekend."

Mike "pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "I'll be wrapping up Catherine for review, but I'm not really sure what else. It's too hot and humid for me to make decisions.  Oh, right, Battlefield 3 Alpha!"

Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "Tough call for me, as usual. I really want to get some more time in with Army of Two: The 40th Day. Anything else will be decided on the fly."

Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill - "It's a gaming potpourri for me this weekend.  I plan on spending time with FEAR 3, EDF IA, Kill Team, Ms. Splosion Man, Hunted, and Demon's Souls."

Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "League of Legends is on the plate for this weekend as well as a newly open beta'ed F2P MMO called Dragon Nest. This one actually seems to have some good potential."

Jason "Origami Panther" Love - "Got a working weekend ahead for me so I'll probably only be able to get in a little bit of gaming here and there. Probably some more Bastion and maybe some Trenched with Mike (and whoever else would be interested!)"

Sam "Samoza Tyler - "I'm off to a Vintage event this weekend, which is music and fashion not retro gaming.  Before I go I plan to get some time into Duke Nukem Forever as well as play with some randoms in Final Fight."

Paul "EastX" Acevedo - "Just finished Sally's Salon Luxury Edition (WP7) for a review... Going to burn through a WP7 indie shooter, Corona, for another review. Maybe squeeze in some Forza 3, which I'd really like to beat before part 4 comes out.

My half-finished games stack also includes South Park: Let's Go Tower Defense, Phantasy Star II, Beyond Good & Evil HD, and EDF: Insect Armageddon."

What are your gaming plans?