News | 9/7/2011 at 7:28 PM

Resistance 3's Online Pass Includes Co-Op Mode

Renters and Pre-Owned gamers are locked out of online co-op.

We can confirm today what we didn't know a few months back - Resistance 3's online co-op mode will require a Online Pass in order to function.  An online pass is a one time use code included with new copies of the game.  Because of this, the two player online co-op mode won't be functional to gamers who buy Resistance 3 pre-owned or rent it from online services like Gamefly.  The game's split-screen co-op mode is unaffected by this.

This is the first instance in which a game's co-op mode was locked out because of this growing trend in video game publishing.

To purchase an Online Pass you'll  need to visit the PlayStation Network Store and purchase one for $10.  This gives you access not only to the game's two player online co-op mode, but the versus modes as well.