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Your Guide to Mastering Plunderstorm in World of Warcraft

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Plunderstorm is a limited-time 60-player Battle Royale, and you’ll need to know how it works if you want to get the best abilities, spells and rewards. In this guide, we’ll help you master this new world.

What Is WoW Plunderstorm?

Plunderstorm is a brand new event in World of Warcraft taking place in the Arathi Highlands. The pirate-themed battle royale is a whole new way to enjoy the game and become the last one standing to loot chests and unlock new abilities and spells, also to get prizes, similar to the players who use free slots no download to play at the casinos.

Battle Royale

Rather than the gameplay you’re used to, Plunderstorm borrows the battle royale concept that other games like Fortnite and PUBG: Battlegrounds have made popular. You’ll have a new character to play with when you enter the game. You and up to 60 other players will all fight to become the last one standing.

Games last for between 10-15 minutes, and as the timer increases, the storm closes. Just as in other battle royale games, you need to be inside the eye of the storm; otherwise, you’ll take continuous damage. Check the map to see where the storm will converge. Fight other players, defeat creatures and unlock treasure chests as you escape the storm and upgrade your character.

Character Upgrades and Abilities

At the beginning of every match, your character starts off with three basic abilities. These are:

  • Slash: Attack enemies in a short range in front of you.

  • Health brew: Chug Keg Legs restorative potion to regain health immediately plus a small amount over time.

  • Barrel: A consumable item that allows you to move quickly for a short time.

By killing enemies and opening chests, you can gain new abilities and spells to become more powerful and increase your chances of survival. Any skills you pick up will be automatically added to your action bar, and you can have two offensive skills and two utility skills.

It’s also possible to find upgrades for your current abilities, increasing the amount of damage and range while reducing cooldown. By killing enemies, your character level will increase, too, improving your overall damage and health.


Aside from being the last one standing, the aim of Plunderstorm is to collect as much plunder as possible. These shiny coins are found everywhere throughout the game, and the more you collect, the better your reputation with Keg Leg’s crew will get.

You can find plunder by defeating enemies, with elite enemies dropping more plunder compared to standard mobs. In addition, it can be found on the ground close to enemies and earned by completing matches and daily quests.

Quests and Renown

Quests are one of the best ways to earn plunder. Whenever you land on the Arathi Highlands, you’ll receive one of six quests that will reward you with 250 plunder if you complete them. There are also the Captain’s orders available every day, giving you 800 plunder if you complete them before the end of the day.

By collecting plunder, you increase your renown with the Keg Leg’s Crew faction. The higher your renown, the better rewards you can unlock. These include a stylish armour transmog set, a parrot mount and a pirate Pepe outfit.

How to Play Plunderstorm

Plunderstorm is a new event, and you’ll need to download and install the retail version of World of Warcraft to begin playing. However, there’s no need to purchase anything, provided you already have an active subscription to World of Warcraft. Modern and classic players can enjoy this exciting new game mode. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Choose the Plunderstorm game mode from the main menu.

  2. Characters are unique for this event, so you’ll need to create a new one.

  3. Either play solo or select a duo to play with a friend or a matched partner.

Once in the game, stay within the eye of the storm to survive and defeat enemies to earn plunder. Try to locate chests to upgrade your abilities and outlast other players. However, even if you don’t survive to the end, you’ll still earn any plunder you picked up.

Tips for Success in Plunderstorm

Plunderstorm is brand new, so many players are still finding their sea legs as they try to get the most plunder. Here are some tips you should bear in mind to help you take the new game mode by storm:

  • Experiment with new spells and abilities in different game modes to discover your favourites.

  • Prioritize completing quests daily for valuable plunder.

  • Stay mindful of enemy levels to avoid engaging opponents stronger than you.

  • Strengthen your spells by acquiring duplicates to increase their power and improve your chances against elites and other players.


Plunderstorm is a new and exciting way to play World of Warcraft. You can take on the PVP by yourself or with friends; just be sure to follow our tips to unlock more plunder and earn the best rewards, like the new parrot mount.