by Nick Puleo 5

Co-Optimus Deals - Support Co-Optimus

We'd just like to take a moment and thank our sponsors for helping to keep the site afloat. With that, why don't you take a look at the deals below and see if anything peaks your interest! And don't forget to check out our Store! We only have co-op games available to purchase there! Super Smash Bros Brawl - Pre-Order the hottest Wii game ever!...

by Guest Author: 17

Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Full, Pure, Uncut Co-Op

I know I'm not the only one excited about Vegas 2, heck it's the second highest in pre-order sales currently. I played a ton of the first Vegas. I played even more of the co-op mode (mostly split-screen). However, there was always something missing. What was it? You can probably say it with me. Story. Where was the story in co-op mode? It w...

by Nick Puleo 4

The Buddy System of Co-Op *NSFW*

There's a commerical for Conflict: Denied Ops which appears to have aired only on the internet.   It shows off some real world Co-Op tactics.  How does it do that?  Imagine yourself at a bachelor party.  Now imagine the stripper comes out on stage but you and your buddy are stuck behind a crowd of people unable to see the show.  What do you do?  Squad tactics of course.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Castle Crashers is Ol' Fasioned 4 Player Co-Op Fun

Castle Crashers is a high intensity, 4-player co-op, action hack and slash game. The game is all hand drawn and rendered in beautiful HD. The gameplay is very much like the old two and a half demensional side scrolling co-op fighting games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, and The Simpsons arcade games.

by Nick Puleo 4
  • couch
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New Aliens title to Feature 4 Player Co-Op

If there's one game that ever needed co-op, it was a game based on the Aliens franchise.  After previous games based on the series failed to deliver, it looks like Gearbox Software (Brothers in Arms, Half-Life Blue Shift) is ready to step up to the plate.    The game is called Aliens: Colonial Marines and will be available for ...

by Nick Puleo 3

Fable 2 Announces Dynamic Co-Op

Co-op play in Fable 2 appears to broaden the game's combat tactics. Molyneux's character focused on shooting enemies with a powerful pistol, while his partner slashed away with a sword. Molyneux explained the simplicity of Fable 2's combat: magic, melee, and guns each have a dedicated button, so it's apparently quite easy to swap between them in the heat of battle.

by Nick Puleo 0

Latest Chronicles Game to Feature Co-Op

Caspian will also have local-only co-op play, a choice Barder said Traveller's Tales made to keep the game accessible to players who may be too young for Xbox Live. We saw Caspian running on an Xbox 360, and Barder showed us several chaotic battle sequences in which dozens of Telmarine swarmed on screen as the Pevensies and Narnians jumped into the fray. There are between 15 and 20 playable characters in Caspian, and the first chapter contains content new to the Narnia universe that's not seen in the books or films.

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