smurphster's Blog

by smurphster

OUYA Unboxing

Yesterday, a small package was dropped off on my porch. It was a pleasant surprise since USPS didn't update my tracking number at all until it was delivered. Anyway, I had a few minutes in the morning to unbox it and snap a few pics. I figured some of you may be interested, so here it is, the OUYA unboxing.

by smurphster

Welcome Home Payton

Six years ago today was a day I will always remember. It was the day we finally got to bring Payton home from the hospital. Three months earlier, we weren’t sure if that would ever happen. She was born just shy of 24 weeks gestation, which is extremely early. Her doctors told us her chances of surviving were pretty low, and we should b

by smurphster

CoD:WaW Zombie Mode - A Fresh Look

Every once in awhile, someone will post an article about their son/daughter playing a retro game, and post their reactions. It's always interesting to see their reactions because they're not clouded with nostalgia. As gamers, we tend to glorify our favorite classic games, yet they don't always age well. Revisiting an old title d

by smurphster

March Staff Meeting Wrapup

Another month, another successfully productive meeting. We chatted about what we've been playing and then launched right into business. We've been tweaking the features schedule a bit, lining up reviews, and fleshing out our ideas for the Co-Op Spotlights. We talked about S

by smurphster

CCV: Wake Me When You Need Me

It should be no surprise that my most anticipated game of 2012 is none other than Halo 4. I love the Halo universe. I've played all the games and read most of the novels, so my imagination is going crazy about what is in store for Master Chief and Cortana. The last time we saw them, they escaped Installation 04's detonation onboard

by smurphster

February Staff Meeting Wrapup

The extent of our organization is sitting in alphabetical order

Running Co-Optimus is a tough task that requires lots of planning, organizing, brain power, and of course, gaming. To help keep everyone on the same page, we try to meet up every month for a staff meeting. As you might expect from our group, meetings are pretty laid back an

by smurphster

CCV: My 2012 Gaming Resolution: CM Edition

Frequent visitors of the site are probably aware that I've been given the honor of being the very first Co-Optimus Community Manager. Since I'm the first, I have no example to follow as far as Co-Optimus is concerned, so I've been snooping around other communities when I have the chance, finding other community managers, stalkin

by smurphster

CCV: Game of the Year - Twenty Eleven

This year was packed with great games, many of which I haven't even played, but what I did play, I liked. A lot. I don't want to break this down into categories because I think that just waters down the award (my soap box is small as it is!) so I'm only listing two games: my Game of the Year, and my Runner Up. Let's get down to b...

by smurphster

CCV: Special Limited Legendary Hardened Epic Collector's Editions

Collector's Editions are all the rage these days. If you don't pay the extra $20-$100 for the special content, you're doing it wrong. At least that's what the publishers want you to think. Personally, I think these things are over-hyped, misleading, and rarely as "limited" as they claim to be, but when you're a

by smurphster

Halo's 10th Anniversary

  I had been following Halo:CE since it's inception even though I was a PC gamer and didn't own, or intend on owning, a Mac. I figured it would make it's way to PC eventually. When Microsoft acquired Bungie and announced their Xbox console, I kept my hopes up for a PC release. At the release of the Xbox and Halo, I wa

by smurphster

CCV: Our Game Rig!

My wife likes to keep things nice and neat, so our setup is completely out of site. You wouldn't even know two gamers live here. But look at all the goodies inside the cabinet: Ok, so it's kind of messy, but it does the job! That's a 42" Panasonic plasma HDTV (1080p), a newer old-style (if that makes any se...

by smurphster

CCV: My Backlog, Let me show you it

  Couch Co-Op games:

Rainbow Six Vegas 1 AND 2: I picked these up from Goozex because I keep hearing how great they are and felt bad that I've missed out on two Rainbow Six games (I've played all of the others). My wife and I have played through Rainbow Six games in the past, but she do