News | 9/4/2012 at 9:32 PM

Watch This Borderlands 2 Introduction Trailer to Torture Yourself Pre-Release, Borderlands 1 Co-Op Night Event Scheduled

Borderlands 2 is only a couple of weeks away from release, and the itch to play the game is overwhelming. To make matters worse, we watched a video like the one in this article of our own free will. For any co-op gamer, it’s useful for both extreme relief and extreme torture, seeing only a small portion of how much co-op potential the game has. All we want to do is play it in the very near future.

In this video, newly introduced character, Sir Hammerlock, narrates an introduction to the world of Borderlands 2, also located on the familiar planet of Pandora. Fortunately for us, things will hardly be the same this time around than they were in the original game. New characters, classes, guns (87 bazillion to be more accurate), grenades, monsters, loot, you name it. This game is packed to the brim of new content and perfect for a co-op. Do we detect hints of Borderlands 2 gaming comas to be arriving shortly? We sure hope so!

If that video wasn’t enough for you (and if you have the time) we recommend you watch this second video showing a group of artists spray painting a giant mural of Borderlands 2 artwork oh so beautifully, all while discussing the game’s breathtaking in-game art style and concepts. The final portrait of all the main characters at the end of the video can be summed up in one word: badass.

Borderlands 2 arrives in stores on September 18th (not soon enough), so don’t wait much longer to preorder the game to get your hands the Mechromancer class DLC with your copy.

Attention all co-op gamers: Co-Optimus will be hosting a Borderlands Co-Op Night on Friday, September 14th at 9 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, featuring the original Borderlands we’ve all come to love and cherish. Until then, be on the lookout for more information on the event from our Community Manager, Eric “Smurphster” Murphy on our forums! See you then!